Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grandmas B-Day and Fathers Day

Sunday we went to mom and dads.
The kids had a lot of fun in the sun!

Berlin, Owen, Grace, Kaylee, and Egan.
Owen and Egan

Owen a little to much water in his face.

In the backyard!



Owen and Egan playing in the car!

Owen racing the car

Berlin and Eva

Eli playing on the slide


Kids in the sand box, I think about half of the sand was out of the sand box.

Berlin on the little slide


Fun Games at Church

After church on Sunday we had some games for the kids going into Jr. High.
There were some rather strange games. Good clean fun!

Owen eating some watermelon.

Owen in his new bed

I made Owen a new bed out of some 2x8 boards.
A very simple design, but it works.

Gathering at our House

Erin and Timmy were in town so we had some of the family over to hang out.

Dave, Grace, Egan and Tim around the fire.
Cody, Timmy, Erin, Mom, Grace and Dave.

The kids playing in Owens tent.


John and Timmy pplaying horse-shoes.

Owen Working Out!

Owen wanted to work out just like dad.